Visualize results in jinkō

  • updated 1 yr ago

Note: this tutorial assumes that you have already created and launched a trial in jinkō. Should you not have completed this step, you can refer to the following link:

Step 1: Visualize your results

Now that your patients are solved, you can start visualizing the results of your trial:

  • Click on the button 'create a visualization' that appears at the bottom right of the trial editor once the trial launched. Give a name and description (optional) to your visualization.
  • A new item 'Trial visualization' is thus created. In this case, the source trial (from which you create the visualization) is already selected on the left-side panel. Note that should you have created the visualization directly from the 'Create new' menu, you would have been requested to add a trial source.
  • You can see on the interface appearing that there are two different tabs, corresponding to two main types of data visualization which are Time Series and Scalar Results, on which the jinkō platform focuses at the moment:
    • Time Series show the evolution of the selected clinical output(s) on a given time period, which is the tmax selected during the configuration of your trial. Note that you can change the time scale on the right side app-panel.
    • Scalar Results are a distribution of the population at a given moment in time. For instance, outputting the tumorRadius at .max will give you the repartition of the virtual population according to the projected radius size of their tumor at the end of the simulated trial.
  • Select Outputs: Once your source trial selected, you can decide to output a visualization for any clinical output available in the model. Note that outputs available for selection (on the left-side panel) differ depending on the type of datavisualization. For instance, you can output 'tumorRadius' on Time series, and 'tumorRadius.max' on Scalar Results.
  • Click on the button Update Results to display / update results on the plots


Additional notes:

  • On basic plots manipulations:
    • You can select and unselect arms (and more generally groupings that you create) on the plots to ease the visualization of the results
    • Various controls that appear on the plots give you the possibility to zoom in and out of your graphs, apply selections or export your graphs as .png
  • On filtering: you have the possibility using the Filtering options on the left-side panel to apply filters on baseline descriptors, patients descriptors and scorings
  • On grouping:
    • You can decide to output results grouped by arm (default) or not (all results aggregated)
    • You can also apply various groupings, using distinct values, span, buckets, and quantiles.
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