Welcome !
Hello there, and thank you for joining the community !
You can check out our guides to get you started : Jinkōmmunity Welcome Guide Tips & Tricks (Setting up a profile, notifications and following,…
Introduce yourself and meet the community
To get to know you a little better, please consider introducing yourself in this thread. You can share where you work, where you live, what you do on a rainy sunday.…
Community guidelines
Short version Be considerate and respectful, share stuff. Please do : Introduce yourself to the group
Feel free to post questions
and start discussions
on any topics relating to JINKO Be…
Jinkōmmunity tips & tricks
Set up a profile Notifications and following Ask and answer questions Vote for ideas Send a direct message Setting up a profile Notifications and following Asking a question Voting for ideas Sending…
Everything you need to get started on the community