Calibrating a computational model

Calibration, or parameter estimation, consists in solving the inverse problem of finding descriptor (species, parameter or compartment) values such that the computational model outputs match some user-defined fitness function.

Fitness function

The fitness is a metric of the match between outputs of the simulation and the expected behaviors that are covered by the Objectives in the Advanced output sets and / or the data tables used as calibration inputs. 

The "Outputs" tab of the calibration consists of a list of output sets and/or data tables, where having at least one item selected is mandatory. The fitness function will be defined as the weighted sum of the different elements defined as objectives in the Advanced output set and the data tables. In the calibration results, it is called "optimizationWeightedScore". Other outputs (scalars or time series) can also be used in a calibration, but they will only be output for visualization and not used in the fitness function.

Output sets

In jinkō, you can create two types of output sets:

  • Simple output sets allow to define the time series and scalar outputs to be visualized as output of a trial
  • Advanced output sets also allow to define some scalar outputs but with more flexibility by using formulas, and more importantly in the context of a calibration, it allows to define objective and constraints that will be used in the fitness function. As opposed to the data tables, these objectives and constraints can be qualitative and not directly data. 

The output sets are further detailed in the specific documentation, where you can learn how to define outputs.

Data table

A data table usable in a calibration is typically the time series corresponding to a specie, a parameter or a compartment volume of the model. These Data tables can be mapped in order to be compatible with the calibration of a computational model, provided that they are in a compatible format. See the dedicated documentation to read more about data tables and mappings. 

The data tables transformed to be usable in the context have the following columns: 

  • obsId - mandatory. The ID of the model component that is to be compared to the data. 

  • time - mandatory. Time point, one of 

    • ISO 8601 duration.

    • numerical value. In that case the unit needs to be given in the header as `time(<unit>)` where unit is one of [years, year, months, month, week, weeks, days, day, hours, hour, minutes, minute, seconds, second]

    One of the following* - mandatory: 
    *Note that if both columns are provided then the narrow bounds prevail

    • value:  Target numerical value of the obsId at time

    • Or narrowRangeLowBound and narrowRangeHighBound

      • The score is =1 if the simulated value is within the narrow range. 

      • Default is: (value,value), hence in that case, the score will equal 1 only if the simulated value is exactly equal to the target. 

      • The value has to be within the narrow range.

  • wideRangeLowBound and wideRangeHighBound - optional. Wide range around the target values. The score is:

    •  in ]0,1[ if the simulated value is within the wide bounds but outside of the narrow bounds 

    • =0 if the simulated value is equal to one of the wide bounds, with a quadratic evolution

    • <0 if the simulated value is outside of the wide bounds

    • Default is : (narrowRangeLowBound - 1, narrowRangeHighBound + 1). In that case the cost function is equivalent to a mean squared error (f(x) = 1 - (x- x*)^2 where x* is either the narrowRangeLowBound or narrowRangeRightBound). 

  • armScope - optional. This row will only be evaluated on that protocol arm of the simulation. If null, the observation will be applied to all arms.

  • weight - optional. Weight of the observation row. It will be used to compute a weighted mean for the score tied to each pair (obsId, armScope). Default is 1.

  • unit - optional. Unit of the values and bounds. This will be used to raise a warning in case the unit is different between the data table and the computational model used, but it will not convert the data. 

  • experimentRef - optional. A link to track where the data comes from, like the "links" field of a computational model. 

Here is an example of a table that can be uploaded to jinkō for calibration purposes: 

obsId* time* value* narrowRangeLowBound* narrowRangeHighBound* wideRangeLowBound wideRangeHighBound armScope weight unit experimentRef
String String (ISO8601 convention)  Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric String Positive Numeric String String
observable_1 P0M 30 44 54 32.8 172.8 control 1 mg https://...
observable_1 P12M 34 44 54 32.8 172.8 control 1 mg https://...
observable_1 P0M 41 48 58 37.6 185.6 treated 1 mg https://...
observable_1 P12M 42 48 58 37.6 185.6 treated 1 mg https://...
observable_2 P0M 5 2 10 0 32 control 1 mol / L https://...
observable_2 P12M 5 2 10 0 32 control 1 mol / L https://...
observable_2 P0M 5 2 10 0 32 treated 1 mol / L https://...
observable_2 P12M 5 2 10 0 32 treated 1 mol / L https://...



The calibration fitness function is defined as the weighted sum of the different fitness criteria. It produces a single scalar value, ranging from -∞ to 1, which the calibration algorithm aims at maximizing.

Under the hood, Jinkō uses the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) algorithm to perform such maximization.

Running a calibration

Computational model and Protocol arms

To start off, you’ll need a computational model to calibrate. This model will be used to run the simulations with varying inputs (cf next section). 

You can also add Protocol arms, in order to run your model in several different circumstances (typically, different types of experiments, or different doses of a trial). 

You also need to define a fitness function, as described in the previous paragraph. 

Inputs to calibrate

The inputs to calibrate are in the Calibration options tab of the calibration.

They are the model components that will be used for the optimization of the weighted score. You will need to select here the parameters, species or compartments for which the values (respectively, initial condition or volume) are unknown. You also need to ensure that the selected inputs actually have an impact on the outputs you want to optimize: you may want to use a contribution analysis for that. 

For each selected input, you need to define:

  • The mean and SD: the default values are taken from your CM, and will be used to define a normal distribution from which the patients for the first iteration will be drawn.

  • The bounds are used in the calibration to penalize unacceptable values of a given parameter, typically to avoid wrong behaviors of the model, such as a KM parameter becoming negative. 

  • For parameters that you need to explore on a large range, you can use a log transformation. In that case, In that case we perform a change of variables and calibrate the log of the parameter. This means in particular that the the mean and SD values are those of the log (i.e. you should put a mean of 1 if you want your parameter to be sampled around 10). 

Adding too many inputs to calibrate or very wide ranges will lead to the parameter space to explore being huge, and therefore maybe not fully explored. On the other hand, having a too small parameter space may not allow you to optimize your fitness function. It is usually recommended to have 3 to 10 inputs to calibrate, possibly by doing several iterative calibration steps.

Calibration and solving options

The calibration options are the options with which the algorithm will be run:

  • Number of iterations (optional) is the maximum number of iterations that the calibration will run for. After this, the calibration will stop even if it has not reached a convergence. Filling this is optional: if it is not filled, it does not mean that the calibration will run infinitely, but rather that jinkō will compute a number based on the number inputs to calibrate and the population size (default_number_of_iterations = 10 * (n+1)^2 / ( sqrt (default_pop_size)) where n is the number of inputs to calibrate). 
  • Population size (optional) is the number of patients to be drawn at each iteration. The larger the population size, the more the parameter space is explored at each iteration. Filling this is optional: if it is not filled, jinkō will compute a number based on the number inputs to calibrate (default_pop_size = 4 + floor (3 * log (n)) where n is the number of inputs to calibrate).
  • Seed (mandatory, defaults to 0) is an arbitrary integer that is used to initialize the random number generation. It is useful for reproducibility, or to add variability in the calibration: changing just this seed with all the same inputs will change the initialization of the calibration and therefore the results. 
  • Threshold weighted score (mandatory, defaults to 1) is the threshold used to determine the calibration success: the calibration stops as soon as one patient reaches this threshold. 
  • The following options pertain to fitness function stagnation detection, turned off by default. When turned on, it will make the calibration stop earlier if there is no noticeable improvement in the fitness function over a certain number of iterations. The stopping criterion is defined as such:
    After a "burn-in" period, at each iteration, consider a set of the highest (i.e. the best) fitness function values for each of the last n iterations, let us call this set the "iteration window" and the "iteration window size". Let us denote by f* the lowest (i.e. the worst) value of the "iteration window" and f_last the value corresponding to the last iteration. Then the fitness function is considered to be stagnating if the following condition is met:
    |f_last - f*| < tol_abs + tol_rel * |f*|
    Stagnation detection can be configured using the following four options:
    • Stagnation burn in period (optional, stagnation detection is turned off if unset) is the "burn-in" period after which stagnation detection is allowed to start
    • Stagnation iteration window size (optional, stagnation detection is turned off if unset) is the number of iterations taken into account to decide whether the fitness function is stagnating
    • Stagnation absolute tolerance (optional, defaults to 1e-3) is tol_abs in the above formula
    • Stagnation relative tolerance (optional, defaults to 1e-3) is tol_rel in the above formula


The solving options are the options that will be used to solve each task. They are the same as for a trial simulation, and the most important one to check is probably the duration of a simulation. 

Results and interpretation

Once your calibration has started running, a new section "Results" will appear in your calibration. As soon as the fiist iteration is finished, you will start to see the first results. You can also stop the calibration if you see that it is going in a wrong direction.

Here, you can see in the Summary tab:

  • The progress across iterations, with a scatter plot and a table of the evolution across iterations. By default, this applies on the optimizationWeightedScore (i.e. the fitness function) but you can select any other descriptor to check its evolution and the Maximum and average for each iteration. In the table, you also have information on the iteration itself, such as the termination time, allowing to assess how much time each iteration lasts, the number of failed tasks (i.e. numerical resolution errors, one task being one model run, so one patient on one parameter arm) and out of bounds patients (patients for whom the algorithm drew values outside of the bounds defined in the inputs to calibrate). A lot of out of bound patients may mean that the bounds defined for the parameter space are too restrictive, and a lot of failed tasks may mean that the model is quite unstable, at least in this part of the parameter space.
  • A scalar X-Y scatter plot, in which you can select input descriptors or outputs, in order to check the co-evolution of some scalars from the calibration. This can typically allow to check if there is a correlation between an input parameter and an objective, or a (negative) correlation between two objectives. 

The Individual patients tab also allows to see the dynamics of individual patients, as in the trial. The patients are ranked by optimizationWeightedScore, starting with the best patient. If there are data tables defined as outputs, the data will be overlaid to the model outputs. In the app panel, you can see this specific patients inputs and outputs and export them as csv to reuse manually into the model, or you can use the "Update computational model" button to directly update the values of the calibrated inputs. This will also create a new version of the CM and add links to the calibration and it's version in the computational model (in the "links" field of these descriptors). 

 The calibration will stop either once one patient has reached the threshold defined in the calibration options, or once the maximum number of iterations has been reached. If you find a patient that you consider good enough before that, you can also stop the calibration to save computing power. 

What if my calibration doesn't work ? 

There are a lot of reasons for a calibration to not work as expected. Whatever the changes needed are, you can edit all of the inputs directly in the calibration to correct them, and relaunch a new calibration run on a new version, unless you are re-using an existing project item, in which case you will be in read only mode. However, it is easy to make a copy of this PI and then edit it.

If a constraint is not respected, the patient will be penalized and the optimizationWeightedScore is not evaluated, so these patients will not appear on the scatter plots. Some objectives may have conditions and therefore not be evaluated in some patients, leading to "discontinuities" in the fitness function. The fitness function may also be ill defined, either because of errors in the formulas, by not representing entirely what you expect it to, because the respective weights do not represent you actually want to be prioritized ... In the individual patients tab, you can check the dynamics of the model as well as the value of each objective in the Patient descriptor outputs, in order to check the coherence. You can add a Simple output set to your calibration if you also want to visualize more output time series of the individual patients. Checking the dynamics can also allow you to check that the protocol does what you expect it to. 

It is also possible that the input space explored is not large enough: you can consider checking the X-Y scatter plots to see if some inputs tend to increase or decrease continuously across iterations, or reach their bounds. You can also consider adding new inputs to calibrate, maybe by using a contribution analysis on a quite wide Vpop to see which parameters most impact the optimizationWeightedScore. 

Finally, it is also possible that the model itself is not capable of reproducing the data. In that case, you will need to go back to the model structure to understand what can be changed to better fit the data, objectives and constraints.
