Jinkō Release Notes 2023/04/13

After a small break, I am coming back to you with the latest Release Notes full of many big features we have launched lately. Don't hesitate to check them and share any feedback with us. If you have any questions or need any assistance while using our platform, just let us know. We are here to help!

Jinkō knowledge 📖

  • See what’s happening in your project(s) with the new activity feed 

 Find out at a glance who did what, where and when  (note: we will soon also add comments notifications):

Check it out: 

  • Review the project item opening

Our latest update is aimed at enhancing your experience with our project items. We have taken into consideration your feedback and made significant improvements to the way you interact with them. Here are the key features of the updated project item interaction:

1. Single-click access: You can now open a project item by clicking on its card, which makes navigation quicker and more efficient.

2. Right-click menu options: You can right-click on a project item card to open a context menu with browser-specific options. This new feature gives you more control over your browsing experience, as you can choose to open the project item in a new tab or window.

3. Right panel access: The new "Info" button opens the right panel, which displays all relevant information about the selected project item. This enables you to quickly view essential details without navigating away from your current view.

  • We have introduced a new warning message to inform users to refresh their browser when a new version has been released

Starting from this release, users running the web application on an older version will now see a friendly banner at the top of the page, inviting them to reload the page to access the updated version of the application

  • We have enhanced blue font on grey background for a better contrast

Check it out: before and after!


  • Opportunity to see the author of the suggestion 

When editing a document and providing a suggestion, the author picture will be displayed. as well as her username on hover. 

  • Ability to see the ongoing messages as default 

Jinko users will now see  ongoing messages by default in their right panel, rather than all.

  • New options for the table of contents available for jinko users.

Users are now provided with several options regarding tables of content: 

- ability to create several table of content

- ability  to choose the highest and lowest levels of headers to include in the table of content(by defaults, the highest and lowest levels of headers in the table of content are now 1 and 3)

- the current tabulation in the table of content between 2 levels of headers has been increased to 1.5 in order to better differentiate the levels

- the font colours for headers in the table of content are now the same as the ones that are used in the headers in the text

  • Ability to click on the links in your source pdfs.

You can now choose whether or not you want to make your links in the pdf clickable.

  • Ability to download Document in a Word format. You can now export your document in  World.

  • Ability to export a jinkō document to a LaTeX archive. You can now download a document in  a LaTeX format.

Jinkō modelling & simulation 📈 

  • Ability to add reference in VpopDesign marginals and correlations 

Jinko now offers the possibility to link to a vpop design distribution and correlation a reference which can be an external or an internal link. Hence it is possible to navigate to the source of truth of the chosen distribution or correlation.

Jinko used to offer the possibility to download trial inputs. It is now possible to do the same for Computational Model from the computational model viewer.

For now, it is only possible to download it in JSON. Further improvements will be added to be able to choose the export format.

  • Solving Options editing and viewing are the same.

All solving options in the Computational model page are now displayed with their default values coming from Jinko (JK). Same behaviour for solving options in Trial page with their default values coming from the linked CM if set (CM) or from Jinko (JK). Each solving option is overridable and you can at any moment go back to their default values.

  • Ability to activate or not the variance reduction while creating a virtual population.

The new option has been added when creating a virtual population, the variance reduction can be activated or not. For more information about it, please check here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antithetic_variates.

2 replies

    • Igor_Faddeenkov
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Awesome !! 😍

    • Biomodeler & Leader in scientific dissemination
    • Angelique_Perrillat
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    > Ability to export a jinkō document to a LaTeX archive. You can now download a document in  a LaTeX format.

    That's huge, thanks for adding this !