More contextual guidance in jinkō


We’re thrilled🤩 to announce the latest enhancements to our platform, giving you an even smoother experience in understanding and using Jinkō. 

We have launched in-pages 'get started' explanatory notes (with video) directly in the right side app panel available for you for any item available in jinko.

You can now see a contextual help in the app panel for the following items:

  • Document

  • ComputationalModel

  • MeasureDesign

  • ProtocolDesign

  • Scorings

  • Vpop

  • VpopDesign

  • TrialVisualization

Each note provides explanations supported with the video and link to the HelpCenter where you can find out more in-depth information and explore other topics. Our community platform allows you to ask further questions. Don't hesitate to use it!
I hope you like our new feature and find it helpful. If you have any feedback to share, don't hesitate to comment directly on Jinko’mmunity or get in touch with me. Thanks!

