Jinkō Release Notes 2022/11/16
Let me share with you the latest release update. Our Team has been working hard to deliver you the following features (and there are yet even more to come soon!). Enjoy jinkō and don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions or suggestions and feedback to share. Thanks!
Highlights of the Release
Ability to see MultiUser’s actions in the document. When there are a few people working on the same document, each of them can see the actions of others and identify their name displayed next to the cursor of other users working on it.
- Ability to export references (BIB or RIS ) from sources, document, one or several folders, or the whole project.
Possibility to add a legend and reference to an image. When uploading an image to a document, you are now asked to provide a title and description. You can do it and the legend underneath the image will be created but this is not obligatory. Note that an index from those legends, with autonumbering, will be added soon.
- New tab added to the trial visualization called survival analysis. This is an analysis which allows users (based on time to event data returned by disease model):
- generate a Kaplan-Meier survival curves (by arms and by subgroups)
- generate the table of patients at risk
- compute and generate cumulative hazard rate curves
- know variability around their curves (Confidence Intervalles (CI) for a given sample size)
- perform log-rank tests across the different groups with and without p-value correction for multiple testing
- get median survival time ( + 25% and 75% quartiles) with confidence intervals
These are the options available in the survival analysis and the results they show.
The estimated completion time in mins is now displayed when running a trial (On top of the percentage value)
Additional options are available to choose from when uploading a CM in sbml format. This feature provides us with the opportunity to change model time units or rename ids which are not necessarily precise in the sbml format of CM. This option is not available when uploading other formats of CM
The trial inputs: outputs, arms and groups selection have been standardized. They are ALL now removable, draggable and clickable.
Core error messages (when uploading a wrong computational model for example) are displaying a more informative and user friendly message.
- References appearing correctly just once in the document. When we work with one document opened in a few tabs at the same time, the references will appear just once in the document and not 2 times as before.
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- 1 yr agoLast active
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