Jinkō Release Notes 2023/02/02

Hello dear jinkō users! How was your New Year start? Here at nova, it has been busy. Our team has been working hard and I am very happy to present you with the latest features that we launched on the platform. I hope you find them useful. As always, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions to make.

The highlights of today's release!

  • First version of the project Readme.  Project admins in jinkō can now create a Readme document that will appear on the project homepage to help them introduce the context of the project to their team and reviewers, thus helping them navigate through the main items of the  project to get started quickly.

  • New, improved Trial workflow. The trial simulation design has been significantly revamped, notably through collaborative design sessions with users,  in order to facilitate its configuration. The left panel allows users to quickly see what has been added to the configuration, step by step. jinkō offers the possibility to create a new set of protocol arms or a new measure design directly from the editor  without leaving its context.

Other  new and exciting  features

  • Improved usability on the comments threads. When closing a discussion thread, users are now redirected to the location they were at in the full comments list, thus not losing track. 

  • Ability to share document anchor location. When working on a document, jinko users can now share a particular part of the document. To do so, simply  create a title (with any header level) and click on the anchor icon appearing next to it on the left.


  • Displaying the words count of a document. Jinkō users can now review words count in the document Information panel

